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Mellow Duck by Kawaharari


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This is Mellow Duck, the first book published by GiantBooks. Illustrated by the incredible Kawaharari, this illustrated books was designed to be read by all and to bring joy and smiles to all. We are very proud of Mellow Duck and we are happy to share the result of our work with you.

The book is divided into four parts, each having a season as its theme. Thus, you will be able to see ducks preparing for Christmas, dressing up for Halloween, doing housework or even bathing. The idea is to be able to bring laughter, comfort and warmth to readers, lead them to consider this book as a bedside book, to which we return to review a scene that we particularly liked, to share it with other people. Our goal is to offer you the best possible book, the one you will want to read near your loved ones, quietly in your bed, under blankets or even under your kotatsu. This is the prime wish of the artist Kawaharari and I hope that is the case.

Voici le premier projet d'édition de GiantBooks. Illustré par l'artiste japonaise Kawaharari, Mellow Duck est un livre qui vous fera découvrir la vie insouciante des canards, entre les journées au parc d'attraction, les fêtes d'halloween et de noël ou bien encore les farces et autres maladresses qu'ils commettent très souvent.

Le livre ne possède aucun dialogue, afin qu'il puisse être apprécié par le plus grand nombre et il dégage un aura réconfortante qui vous aidera, sous la couette, à vous détendre, à sourire et à rire. 

Dimension : 220 x 290 x 7 (mm)

Weight (poids) : 510

Pages : 58

Hardback (couverture rigide)