Strange is a collection of short stories narrating about couples of men, who meet, help each other, understand each other, support each other. It looks like a catalog of subtle forms of love, the nuances of sentiment are of an almost touching delicacy. You find in this collection 6 stories about 12 men.
- A high school student who goes to cram school and a gay who dreams
- A gentle and impatient high school boy
- Office Workers and Young People in Hawaii
- A Lonely Librarian and a Problem Child
- Japanese language teacher and dog lover Yankee
- An anime-loving uncle and a cheeky nephew
Niveau recommandé :
Intermédiaire (niveau 6) : Ensemble de récit court ; sous-thème (Genre) ; manque de furigana ; série courte (1 tome ) ; peu de personnage ; monde actuel.
Série terminée.
Dimensions : 182 x 130 x 17 (mm)
Weight (poids) : 212g
Pages : 223
Softback (couverture souple)